Shirley Findley
Husband’s Name: Larry
Children: Kenyan and Trueman
Church District: Ashland, Morehead, and Prestonburg churches.
Schools Attended: Birmingham public schools and Jefferson St. Jr. College.
Profession/Work: Retired
Hobbies/Interests: raveling, camping, reading, word search and golfing.
How I Met My Husband: Larry was my pastor and I was his head elder! My husband died and he conducted his funeral, of course. Then after awhile Larry asked me out. I wasn't interested but..... one night......Jesus had a little talk with me. We golfed some, then in December 2018, we went to Cuba on a mission trip---we were 45 minutes apart. He proposed on the Havana seashore before we came home on a Monday and got married on Friday at my house with twelve guests----and he fixed them supper!
How I Became an Adventist: I attended a Daniel and Revelation seminar in 1989 and was baptized after that. I have always been active as a member and held many offices. I also served for about seven years as assistant director of women's ministries in the Gulf States Conference.
What I Like to Do for Fun: entertain, cookout, and camp.
Favorite Bible Promise: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13