Kristina McFeeters
Husband’s Name: Daniel
Church District: London/Stearns/Williamsburg/Monticello Mission Group–Kentucky
Schools Attended: Runs Kristina’s Kitchen–a bakery, vegetarian café, and health food store.
Profession/Work: Secretary
Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, literature evangelism, music, camping, canoeing, hiking, photography, sewing, reading, biking, volunteering, travel, sharing Jesus, teaching seminars, and studying the Bible. She also is her church’s pianist and enjoys singing.
How I Met My Husband: Daniel and I met in a home-school children’s choir in Washington State when we were 10 years old. We became friends, but a couple of years later, Daniel’s family moved to Kentucky and we lost contact completely. Seven years later while I was traveling to Ouachita Hills College for my second year of college, I needed a place to stay in Kentucky, so I looked up his family. That’s when the spark of love began in Daniel’s heart, though he patiently waited another two years before even pursuing a friendship! When I graduated from college, he offered to teach me website developing so I could create a website for my newly launched ministry–Discovering His Treasures. Through that website, I discovered that we worked together well, had common goals of evangelism, and he was someone I could respect. He then spent a year in Africa as a student missionary and we began our relationship after he returned. We had a long distance relationship and engagement, I was in Washington State and he lived in Kentucky, but that just made marriage that much sweeter! We moved to an unreached part of Appalachia in Eastern Kentucky and set up our first home as missionaries. God has really blessed and it’s been so exciting to work together and see Him work in our church and our community!
How I Became an Adventist: I was born into a Seventh-day Adventist family and grew up going to church. When I was 11 years old, I read the Great Controversy through, and it really made the Bible come alive to me and helped me see why the Bible was so important. I then read Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ, and as Jesus became real to me as a personal friend, I began to study the Bible for myself and really got excited about what Seventh-day Adventists believe. It was always my dream to be a colporteur or a missionary to an unreached people group in the USA. When I was 17, I dedicated my life to full-time ministry for God–wherever He would choose to lead me–and was baptized a few months later. Life hasn’t been a bed of roses. I had my share of health problems during my years as a full-time colporteur and had to give up that occupation when I landed in a wheelchair. But God helped me find another niche in His work and my health has improved just enough for me to be active in His service. I’ve never regretted choosing Him!
What I Like to Do for Fun: Biking, caving, canoeing, hiking, nature photography, and studying the Bible.
Favorite Bible Promise: Isaiah 41:13 (AMP) “For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, who says to you, fear not; I will help you!”