A wave and a smile: new church member shares about the power of friendship evangelism

Despite being raised as a Christian, Lisa Perez had drifted away from her faith during her young adult years. As time passed, however, she felt a longing to rekindle her relationship with God and attend church once again. It was during this period that she crossed paths with Linda Dickinson, a member of the Murfreesboro, Tenn., Church – a church conveniently located right in front of Perez's home.


Dickinson, who is also the head teacher at the Murfreesboro Elementary, would consistently greet Perez with a warm wave and a friendly smile as she made her way to church. Whenever an opportunity arose, she also extended invitations to Perez for church events like health seminars and Christmas programs.


“I had to go through the [Murfreesboro Church’s] parking lot to get to my house’s driveway,” Perez said. “And each time I would pull in, [Dickinson] would wave at me and would was always say something kind and encouraging.”


Little by little, Perez started attending more church events but was hesitant to start Bible studies because of her busy schedule as a business owner and massage therapist. However, Dickinson did not give up and she, along other Murfreesboro Church members, continued praying for their new friend.

“At some point, I felt a compelling nudge from the Holy Spirit, like an inner calling,” Perez said. “I began to realize that I might truly benefit from one of those Bible studies that [Dickinson] had been mentioning for all these years.”


Dickinson felt a sense of delight when she received the call from Perez inquiring about the Bible studies. Eagerly, she shared the Voice of Prophecy's Discover Bible Guides. Dickinson’s excitement grew even more as she witnessed Perez's own enthusiasm.

“I would give her two or three books at a time, and it just seemed like she couldn’t put them down,” Dickinson said. “She would finish those three books in a night and would constantly text the pastor with questions and clarifications.”


During this period, Perez had been attending the Murfreesboro Church in the mornings and then going to work on Saturday afternoons. However, after reading the study guide on the truth about the Sabbath, she made the decision to honor the Sabbath as a day of rest and chose not to work on it any longer.


Shortly after, Perez moved to Rainsville, Alabama, to help take care of her mother. It was at the Rainsville Church where she was finally baptized. Looking back, Perez still fondly remembers her friends at Murfreesboro and advocates for the importance of friendship evangelism.


“I always tell [the church members at Murfreesboro] that it is because of their friendship, their prayers and their persistence that I am where I am today,” Perez said. “The Holy Spirit worked through them to guide me back to my faith and help me grow in ways I never thought possible."


Perez is now the health ministries leader at her local church, and she says she uses her massage therapy business as a way to make friends and tell people about Jesus.


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