George Crumley, Vice President for Finance, to Retire end of April

After just under four years of service in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, George Crumley, Vice President for Finance, has announced his retirement, effective April 30, 2025.

Crumley’s career in finance spans over 40 years. Originally from Spokane, Washington, Crumley earned his accounting degree from Andrews University in 1983. His career then began at East Pasco Medical Center in Florida, where he worked as a staff accountant and later an accounting supervisor. Then, he transitioned into church finance, serving in organizations such as the Michigan Conference, Great Lakes Academy, Indiana Conference and the Rocky Mountain Conference. Crumley joined the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference in July 2021.

“I have been blessed to work with good people everywhere I’ve been,” Crumley said. “That’s what I’m going to miss the most.”

Crumley has played a key role in maintaining financial stability across the organizations he has served. With his treasury team, the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference successfully implemented a new accounting software system, Jewel, which has already been adopted by nearly 90 of the conference’s 130 churches in its first year.

Reflecting on his career, Crumley highlighted the importance of treasury work in advancing the mission of the church.

“When you function as a treasurer, you know everything that's going on in an organization because everything has to clear through finance,” Crumley said. “Your financial statement tells a story. Working in finance allows you to help set priorities, allocate resources, and advance the mission of the church.”

As he prepares for retirement, Crumley looks forward to spending more time with his family, including his newborn grandson, Theo. He also plans to visit his parents in Phoenix, Ariz., and explore opportunities to contribute through volunteer work. Additionally, Crumley hopes to stay active with hobbies such as walking, reading, and traveling.

Crumley says he will miss the office staff, fellow officers, a great treasury team and working with members throughout the conference.

“When I go out to churches, I get to know people personally. So, when I see a churches’ name on a report, I don’t just see the name of a church, I visualize the faces of those I saw when I visited.” Crumley said. “That’s something I will really miss … I just wish the members of this conference abundant blessings — that things will go well for them as we look forward to His second coming.”

As of the writing of this article, the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference has not appointed a new Vice President for Finance. Please visit  for additional updates.


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