Jackson Church hosts its 11th Annual Starry Night Dinner Banquet

If you attend a community and church Christmas Dinner at the Jackson, TN, Church, expect it to be an experience for all the senses. The sights, smells, and menu will reflect the theme for the evening. This year the event took a road trip to Colonial America. Pastor John & Le Anne Baker felt a stirring that the audience this year needed to hear of God’s providence in the forming of our nation.

A refresher course with authentic recipes would be most beneficial. Thus, the fellowship hall of the church was transformed into a Colonial Tavern replete with historic and faux décor. The friends and volunteers gathered from multiple faiths within the community dressed in period costumes. The vegetarian menu boasted among many things, Jefferson’s Peanut Soup, and his favorite Ginger cookies.

The evening included a communion service, a colonial gift by the pastor and his wife (maple syrup & little jars of jam), and a sharing book on prayer. The event over two nights had over half of the attendees being non-Adventists. The annual dinner has proven so popular, that within three hours of the free ticket giveaway, all 120 tickets were reserved, and a waiting list initiated.  


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