Officers re-elected during the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference 33rd Regular Constituency Session

The 33rd Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Constituency Session was held on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at the Madison Campus Church in Madison, Tennessee. During the session, officers were voted in, and delegates approved edits to the conference’s constitution and bylaws.


Out of a possible 830 delegates, 664 were present at the constituency meeting. During the session, delegates reelected Steve Haley to serve as president; Mike Hewitt as vice president for administration; and George Crumley as vice president for finance.


“It's extremely humbling to be reelected,” said Haley, who has served the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference for 13 years. “[My wife] and I are very grateful that God would have in His desire to enact His own plans, and that the constituent body has invested in us to continue serving for the next quinquennium.”


Departmental directors voted were Joel Sutherland, ministerial director; Jeff Horn, associate treasurer; Gail McKenzie, women’s ministries director; Pegi Flynt, education superintendent; Matt Pacer, associate education superintendent; Marshall McKenzie, church growth director; Paola Mora Zepeda, media ministries director; Greg Taylor, youth director; Nelson Silva, associate youth director; Rocky Davis, publishing director; Malinda Haley, health ministries director; Silke Hubbard, trust service director; Xioamara Mercado, human resources director; Barrett Mikkelsen, IT Director; and Doug Thompson, Nourish Christian Market Place Manager.


In addition, delegates approved updates to the Constitution and Bylaws. Some of the changes included a proposal to allow KYTN, in case of special conditions and when approved by the Executive Committee, to hold its Constituency Meetings virtually; an addition to prevent members from the various regions of the Conference to serve in two consecutive nominating committees; and a revision to change the Nominating Committee’s meeting time to 14 days prior to the Regular Constituency Meeting.


“We make changes [to the Constitution and Bylaws] because our situation changes, our world changes and our ministry avenues change.” said Hewitt, who leads the KYTN Constitution and Bylaws Committee. “These changes are important because we try to keep the Constitution and Bylaws relevant to the times we’re living in and the situations we're dealing with.”


One amendment, which called to change representation from one delegate for 25 members to one delegate for 50 members, was sent back to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for revision.


Special guests of the Constituency Session included Ron Smith, Southern Union president, who presented the devotional and brought the Nominating Committee report to the floor, and Charmaine Davis, auditor senior for the General Conference.


As the conference moves forward to the new quinquennium, Haley says KYTN will continue to partner with God to engage and reach the local communities, faithfully spreading the Three Angels’ Message.


“My fondest hope and desire for this upcoming quinquennium is that we don't have another one,” Haley said. “I hope God interrupts these mid to long-term plans with startling kinds of events that will imminently foretell the arrival of Jesus. I would love to not have another [Constituency Meeting], simply because we are desirous of going home.”


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