The Power of Literature in the  Final Hour

We do not know when we will stand on the brink of stupendous change. The shifting of governmental hands could begin an era of peace and prosperity. The transition could also prove the beginning of the end. We have no way of telling when the months and years will mark the final scenes of earth’s history. Prophesy’s prophetic declarations have left us no question that there will be a Sunday law, a loud cry, and the message will go to all the world before the end comes. But do we know the crucial role literature will play in the last drama against evil? 

“More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications (Colporteur Ministry 151.3)

During the proclamation of the Loud cry, it will be found that the message is not carried so much by preaching or argument, for in a large degree this will already have been done for us by the publications that have reached the hands of the people (GC 612.2). How important than is the work of sharing tracts and books before that time arrives. 

“The canvassing work is a most successful way of saving souls. Will you not try it (Colporteur Ministry 37.1)?”

Last year, 65 young people answered this call across Kentucky and Tennessee. Nearly twenty-one thousand books were distributed over the course of seven magabook canvassing programs. Hundreds of Bible study and health contacts were gathered for English and Spanish churches across the conference. Over $250,000 of donations were collected. 

All these satistics fall short of relating the deep impact the magabook programs have on lives. High-school and college students are trained in mission work and gain experience in soul winning. Lasting friendships are formed. School tuition is raised. In working for others salvation, each young person is drawn closer to Christ.

As for the community, “We know not what may be the results of giving away a leaflet containing present truth (Colporteur Ministry 4.3).”

God has been richly blessing the literature work in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, yet there is still much to do. There are a few ways you can get involved: 

  • Keep literature ministry in your prayers. 

  • Consider sending your youth on a canvassing program.

  • Share glow tracts or books with friends, family, or strangers. 

  • Raise awareness of literature importance at your church or school. 

As the new year unfolds before us, may the words of the old hymn be our pledge and battle cry. 

Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace;

Tidings of Jesus, redemption and release (SDA Hymn 365).

Whether joining a literature outreach program or sharing tracts at the grocery store, there is a place for each of us to finish the work. 


Rocky Davis to Retire as Kentucky-Tennessee Conference Publishing Director


Peggy Hopper: An Advocate of Community Services