Way to Jesus: Nashville Korean Church celebrate their faith in Spring Spiritual Retreat

On the weekend of April 29 to May 1, 2022, members of the Nashville Korean Church, Tenn., gathered at Cedars of Lebanon State Park for a Spring Spiritual Retreat. The event was attended by church members of all ages and followed the theme, “Way to Jesus.”


The Nashville Korean Church holds spiritual retreats twice a year – once in the fall and once in the spring.  According to pastor Seokeon Yoon, this event is an opportunity to connect with one another in a worship setting.


“So, [the church members] know and understand each other better, and we can also come close to Jesus,” Yoon said.


Some of the activities of the retreat included a nature hike, prayer by the bonfire, Bible treasure hunt and game night.


More than 40 people attended the Spiritual Spring Retreat. To accommodate the Korean and English-speaking groups, two speakers were invited for the service: Retired pastor Cho spoke for the Korean group and Madison Campus Pastor Nacho Silverio preached for the English group.


“This was a great chance to bridge the generational gap between our younger and older [church members],” Marcus Min, elder at the Nashville Korean church, said. “We want to have a family atmosphere and uplift the spiritual yearning of our members.”


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