At enriching marriage through prayer we will spend time studying Scripture for a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare within marriage and how we can be a blessing to our marriage through dedicated prayer for ourselves and our spouses.

This seminar is designed for anyone who is engaged, newlywed, or married for years. It can be a blessing to a marriage in any phase, whether happily married, in need of divine intervention, or anywhere in between. 

It is our goal to share this ministry with as many individuals as possible so they can experience the beauty of enriching their marriages through prayer. To help us with our goal, we ask that all attendants invite a friend who is engaged or married to join you as we laugh, cry, create, share, and pray together.


Melissa Weisner

Vaughn Weisner

Kimberly Bridges

February 26, 2023

Registration On Site begins at 8:30 am. Seminar will go through 3:30pm. Lunch is provided

Location: KYTN Conference Office Chapel

Cost: $25

A Prayer Journey