Abigail’s story

As I was canvassing on this summer day, I got kicked out of two different stores. I felt discouraged because in those establishments people were usually receptive and willing to donate and get books. However, the managers did not allow me to canvas there.

I moved on and went to the next business. I had canvassed this Panda Express three times already. I was going to skip it. However, I had a strong impression – which I believe was the Holy Spirit – to go and canvass the restaurant again. 

So, I went inside and canvassed the cashier, whom I’ve canvassed before. He smiled at me and told me that he would bring his manager. I showed the manager a book called, “In Search Of Peace.” His eyes widened. He told me his wife got the book from me the last time I went there. She had been reading it every morning. He and his wife had stopped fighting. Their family relationship had positively changed because of that one book.

The manager brought his co-worker and told him to buy the book. His friend said he didn’t have money. The manager persisted that the book would change his life as it did to him. So, the co-worker got the book. By the grace of God, I went out encouraged because I realized there was a purpose for me being there. The literature I was distributing changed people’s lives and could bring them to Jesus.


Carlos’s story