Carlos’s story

Canvassing has positively impacted my life, as well as those I’ve encountered. Although this summer was my very first time canvassing, I met countless people who were seeking and hungry for truth and light. 

In one of my interactions, I met a gentleman who had gone through some rough times. As I presented the only two books I had left in my bag, he showed interest in them. Then, he proceeded to tell me a bit of his life experience. 

He had a brain tumor, which was once removed but unfortunately returned. He also abused his body by consuming illegal substances. Due to his actions and poor decision-making, he served time in prison. When his sentence ended, he had a strong impression of attending church. 

Throughout his life, he had rejected Jesus for many years. However, one day, he decided to listen to the still small voice. The gentleman greatly appreciated the books I offered him, which were “In Search of Peace” and “God’s Answers”. 

I praise the Lord because through the canvassing program I’ve realized how people need a better lifestyle and how our books can bless them!


Amy’s Prayer: God uses literature evangelist to bring comfort


Abigail’s story