Linda’s story

I walked inside the Western Kentucky University’s local bar. I felt intimidated, but got excited when I realized there was a lady worker. She was not interested in the books I had to offer, but was very friendly. She gave me permission to talk to the two guys inside the bar. 

In my mind, I wanted to deny the opportunity to talk to them - I was afraid. But then, the Holy Spirit led me automatically to the duo. The men worked in business and marketing. They were nice and said they were very amazed by my bravery. I told them that the Youth Summit program has helped my nerves a lot. Everyday, I prayed for the courage to talk to strangers. The braveness and fearlessness that I have received was all from God. 

Thrilled by my enthusiasm, they donated enough to get a book each; they chose “Fighting Disease with Food” and “Better Way of Life.”

I have canvassed several times prior to this, but this occasion was very different. God closed the doors to my original summer plans, and led me to the canvassing program. Through this experience, I was able to see His mercy, grace, and love towards me. I’ve realized that we have a mission as Christians to be ambassadors in this world. We have to spread His message to others in a loving way — a way where people can see Christ through us.


Devin’s story