Devin’s story

I was canvassing one day at an apartment complex, getting ready to knock on one last door before heading to lunch. After I knocked, this very nice gentleman opened the door. I introduced him to FDF, and shortly after we began a friendly conversation.  

We talked about school, family and, eventually, just things about the world. I was impressed to share with him “The Great Controversy.” That’s when he mentioned that he believed in God and knew Jesus was the only one who could offer salvation, but he wasn’t ready to surrender his all to Him. 

I asked why, to which he responded that he was afraid God wouldn’t accept him. The man said that because of the things he had done, he wasn’t sure God would answer his prayers. Realizing that the Great Controversy was unfolding before my very eyes, I knew we needed to pray. 

After I prayed for him, he started to tear up. He was thankful, and gave me a hug. The man said he felt like God had sent me to him as a sign he shouldn’t give up. I encouraged him to ask Jesus to come into his heart - God was waiting for him with open arms. After this, I showed him “Steps to Christ.”  He wanted to buy all three books! 

The interaction with that man was the highlight of my day. It made me realize that there are people out there that are searching for Jesus. Had I not been there at that God-appointed time, maybe that man would’ve given up on his search for peace. So, go and look for the lost sheep. Even though it may take some hardships, God will lead you to the right one who is ready to accept His gift of salvation. 


Linda’s story


Unknown Territory: the power of canvassing