Unknown Territory: the power of canvassing

The year was 2020. The entire globe reeled and staggered from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. In the early summer only essential businesses were still open. Mask mandates were in full force and the covid vaccine in early development. All that, however, could not stop the courage and energy of a little group of youth in Portland, Tennessee. 

Katie stirred on the air mattress that served as her bed. The butterflies in her stomach keenly reminded her she was not at home.  The light of morning shone dimly through the gym windows revealing the face of her cousin and a handful of other girls on air mattresses like herself. 

Only a few weeks had elapsed since Katie decided to join her cousin, Linda, on another summer canvassing program. Now the first morning of the program dawned around them. 

“Father in Heaven,” Katie breathed. “Please show me if you want me to go to Highland Academy (HA) as a student. And if this is your will, provide a way.” 

Katie had been thinking about this for months, but that desire seemed stronger now as she layed on the floor of the HA gym. Was it this that had finally given her motivation to lift her desires to God in prayer? 

Breakfast time arrived with an awkward juggling of covid carefulness and eating. Among the eager chatter Katie found a place at the table beside Linda. She hoped the butterflies in her stomach would not prevent her from eating breakfast. 

Wait, what had that young man said? Katie’s attention diverted from her plate to the conversation around her. 

“I am a student here at Highland,” Daniel said. 

Temporarily forgetting her timidity, she wanted to engage in conversation. Was this her opportunity to learn more about the school? Public school was all Katie had ever known, the change would be difficult, but Katie was more eager than ever to see God’s leading. 

The few days of training and preparation passed quickly. Finally, the day arrived when the youth would begin knocking on doors.

“Katie you will be out next,” the van leader announced. In a moment Katie stood before her first door of the summer. Katie prayed and knocked. At nearly every door or business she found people needing peace, longing for health solutions, and prayer; all things she had to offer. 

The summer passed quickly. Katie’s simple prayer about going to Highland was abundantly answered. Her consistent coming to God in prayer gave her a deep and precious walk with God. She made over $10,000 canvassing that summer. She met teachers, deans, and students from Highland and felt like she had a nucleus of family at the school. Her fears and questions were answered and though change was still difficult, Katie never regretted making the decision to attend Highland Academy. 

Through a simple summer of canvassing in a difficult time in the world, many lives were touched - and among them a young lady by the name of Katie Castillo. Through her time at Highland Academy Katie met people who would eventually help her attend Southern Adventist University, one of her childhood dreams. 

God wants to do amazing things for you and through you. Giving Him one summer of your life could be the beginning of something bigger than you can imagine. 


Devin’s story


A rejection and the blessings that followed