2025 camp meeting:
Blessed Assurance
In a world filled with uncertainty, we are reminded that God’s promises never fail—His love is constant, His grace is sufficient, and His presence is ever near. As we come together in worship, fellowship, and spiritual renewal, may we find strength in the assurance of our salvation and the faithfulness of our Savior
Location: Highland Academy
Dates: May 23 -31

You never know when God might use you to impact someone else. I’ve seen it in my own life. I’ve found myself in situations where I said or did something for someone that seemed insignificant to me at the time, only to later learn it was really meaningful for them.
"Sometimes I ask, ‘why me?’ I’m just a little old deacon. But when you have childlike faith like Jesus calls us to have, He’ll answer your questions. He’ll walk with you and talk with you."
"I lost my car. My electricity was turned off, and I was almost kicked out of my home. But every time something like that happened to me, the Lord stepped in. He took care of everything because he promised He would."
“When I became active in the Adventist Church, my schizophrenic tendencies began to disappear. I believe without a doubt that Jesus healed me. I have struggled both with and without God. The difference is that with God I have hope.”
“I want to be living testimony every single day, not just in my past stories, but in the way I live today and tomorrow, too.”
“For me it is clear that the accident was from the enemy. Just before the crash, my husband and I had made the decision to get baptized. Though the accident delayed those plans, the reality is that it also increased my desire to get baptized.”
Since then, things just changed. I’ve seen God open doors in my life in ways I did not expect. He does it every day. Looking back, finding God wasn’t really in my mind. It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was what I needed. It was what my family needed.
“This was definitely a difficult experience. Our home burned. Our church burned. The hospital where Jack worked burned. 90% of our town was gone. But God was with us and so many others. He was with us in this fire like He was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego”
“It's powerful because by trusting God truly and letting Him lead, He has delivered me from all the guilt, the shame, the remorse, and all the pain from the adversity that I once felt.”
“ When reflecting on my life, I realize now that I did not go into ministry right away because God was still working on my character. I can look back and recognize that the other jobs I’ve had were preparing me for the ministry. “
“Bozo only stayed with us for one season, but I never forget the lesson this precious dog taught me. If we are faithful to God, He is faithful to us. God’s promises are sure. “
“I've had several wonderful miracles in my life from God – this was not the first one. Each time he shows me that He is alive. God showed me that he still cares.”
“Still, something in my heart was telling me that God was real. I felt like even though I did not have a relationship with Him, He didn’t stop trying to have a relationship with me.”
“My relationship with Jesus snowballed into the best and closest friendship I’d ever had with anybody. I knew I could rely on Him. I knew I could pray, and I'd be okay.”
“There is no age to start looking for God. If you have a chance to breathe, you have a chance to receive God’s forgiveness and live for Him.”
“At one point I thought to myself, ‘well, I guess I'll always be a smoker and drinker. I'll always be doing these things.’ But as soon as I as took one step towards Jesus, He ran 10 steps towards me.”
“I’m grown now, but I continue to learn about the truth. It’s wonderful because every day I get the chance to fall deeper in love with my living Savior.”
“On the sixth day, the pastor made an appeal. When I went home that day, I made a promise to God. I said, ‘Lord, if you can take away this addiction from me, I'll do whatever you want.’ “
“God has always provided for me. He has all the resources at his fingertips. I've worked on various worldly positions, but nothing is as fulfilling as dedicating your life to God.”
In those moments a miracle happened. The doctor and the nurses left me alone when someone dressed in white came in. I still remember his expression of love and kindness. He said, ‘Don’t worry. I am your doctor. I’ve come to see you because I like to personally attend to my patients.’
‘I don’t know what the new Heaven and Earth will be like,’ Ms. Davis said. ‘I have often heard preachers talk about it and paint a rosy picture, but we can’t begin to know what it is like. I just know at the end, when I get there, it will be alright and perfect for me.’”
“When I left in 2006, I realized I needed to change my way of thinking. I was in Yuma, Arizona when I met a retired SDA minister. He told me something that just blew away my mind. He said, ‘Johnny, what you need to do is get back your first love experience, that experience you had in 1984.”
“If someone asked me to describe it, I would say that when you’re shown more you realize you were just eating breadcrumbs. From that one session watching Amazing Facts I felt like I was served a feast.”
“When you're going through chemotherapy you can't see what it is doing on the outside. Everything is happening inside at the cellular level. Still, I could trust and praise God that the healing was taking place even when I had not seen the reports.”
“During that transition, I have seen God in a different light. He was more than just our Almighty and All-powerful God. He became a personal God – my faithful Companion.”
“I am not where I thought I would be. But, that’s the beauty of walking with God. Rather than following a map that I thought was figured out, my walk with God has been more like a canvas that God and I are painting together.”
“Since coming into the faith, I think my life has been more full. I was kind of empty before, but I didn’t know what I was empty from until I started to get to know God.”
“I knew that I was not doing the right thing. There was always a voice inside of me that said ‘What are you doing? You are a child of God.’”
“I believe that God gives us more than one option in life. He gives us different interests and talents. And when you’re doing what God wants you to do, whatever that is, you find peace in your heart.”
Indian Creek Camp
Highland Academy
Madison Academy